петък, 20 април 2012 г.

Quilling cards - flowers

13 коментара:

  1. These flowers are different but wonderful! I really like this cards.

  2. Hi there. i have to say. I.m following u for a while now and u never fail to impress me. Ur cards are so delicate and beautiful .I can see ur dedication in them. How do u manage to make such amazing flowers??
    Can.t wait to see ur future creations.


  3. Wonderful...a delight for eyes!!!
    Regards Shalaka:)

  4. Прекрасни неща си сътворила, отново! Много се радвам и се възхищавам на таланта ти! Ти си едно от моите вдъхновения да творя и аз:)))

  5. amazing flowers, i don't know how you do them, but they are wonderful!!! Beautiful cards
